Installation Instructions & Screenshot Examples
To begin installation of the FleetCross Application click on the button labeled
"Install FleetCross" at the top of this page.
After clicking on the button "Install FleetCross" a window will load with a title
"Launching Application" as seen in Figure 1
Following the verification of application requirements, a prompt asking to install
FleetCross (Figure 2) will be shown.
Click on the "Install" button to begin the download and installation process.
During this step a progress bar will be shown while files are downloaded and installed
on your computer.
(Note: This step make take some time depending on the speed of your Internet Connection)
Upon completion of Step #4 (shown in Figure 3), the FleetCross
Login screen will be shown.
A picture of the 'Login Screen' can be seen below in Figure 4.
Upon initial login to the FleetCross application (depending on the terms of the
EULA), it may be required to register your computer before using FleetCross. (shown
in Figure 5) If your FleetCross license requires you to register
your computer (and the current computer is unregistered) a prompt asking to register
the computer will be shown. Select 'Yes' to register this computer, after a successful
registration, FleetCross will alert you to how many computers may be registered.
(Figure 6)
**NOTE** If 'No' is selected, FleetCross will not be able to be utilized
on this computer
The FleetCross application will now load and a screen similar to the one shown in
Figure 7 will be displayed.
**NOTE** The application may look different than the picture shown